the ponderings of a mother

These are the ponderings of a mother in love with her children, both in my arms and in the grave. Some of these ponderings are quite emotional, some are funny, others contemplative and spiritual. All are sincere. May these writings bless you in many ways and bring you closer to the one, true God and Redeemer of all things.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

This Moment

Writing…paused…sweet pea awoke after just two hour nap today.  So, in the spirit of my Lenten discipline of celebration…I lay down my initial bummed-out feeling that I cannot finish the post I started writing and I turn to celebration…this very moment. A sweet infant smile greets me early and I am turned toward celebration, away from my own desires and tell myself this moment, in this moment is God present and in this moment, whatever it may be, this moment I am to celebrate. Thank you Lord, for this moment. I will recall the Psalm I seek to memorize during this season. Join me if you like. Psalm 96, just one verse today:
Oh, sing to the Lord a new song;
Sing to the Lord, all the earth!
It is no trite thing to awaken our souls in whatever moment we find ourselves in and focus on Christ. There will be little deaths to die every day…sometimes major, sometimes minor…today it is simply the plan I had of long enjoyable time to write. But this moment is the one for which I am called to thank the Lord. To celebrate the life I have in Christ. And so, Lord, my days are Your days. Help me die as many deaths as I must each day that joy and life may replace all of the me that I stuff myself with. Fill me up, God. 

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