the ponderings of a mother

These are the ponderings of a mother in love with her children, both in my arms and in the grave. Some of these ponderings are quite emotional, some are funny, others contemplative and spiritual. All are sincere. May these writings bless you in many ways and bring you closer to the one, true God and Redeemer of all things.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Days 5 through 9

14. So being out of town for the weekend visiting friends gave me the chance to simply enjoy life and get my mind off all the daily tasks. I was simply living joy and enjoy moment by moment…it was wonderful!  I am going to count simply living as my joyful gratitude for Days 5-8. The Spirit of the Law, right? J

Day 9

15. Having my first official day of “work”
16. Watching Elsa’s pure enjoyment as she watched a video of herself around 3 months. She could hardly contain her excitement. It was SO cute!
17. Continually sharing this video with friends and family. Enjoy J

18. Having dinner with a wonderful friend this evening.
19. Elsa's soft little fingers rubbing my face as I nurse her to sleep. 

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