the ponderings of a mother

These are the ponderings of a mother in love with her children, both in my arms and in the grave. Some of these ponderings are quite emotional, some are funny, others contemplative and spiritual. All are sincere. May these writings bless you in many ways and bring you closer to the one, true God and Redeemer of all things.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Today Miss Elsa is 6 weeks old. It’s the time that mom is officially moving on from post-partum pain and exhaustion (sure…) and usually gets to all clear to resume normal life…time for the exercise DVDs J But better than that it is often the beginning of the great awakening to the world for the baby. Responsive smiles begin to replace the post-fart smiles, eyes contact is the norm versus an accidental glance, and for our little genius (forgive me) she tries to imitate our mouth movements. If I stick my tongue out a few times at her, she does the same. If I open and close my mouth or talk to her with big open lips, she moves her mouth around…and is even cooing here and there. To the big world outside the windows these are pathetically insignificant but to us... it is the big world! I used to be that person that, when parents’ ooh-ed over their babies tiny little progresses, I politely agreed how wonderful it was, but silently wondered how one could work so hard and be so exhausted for so long just for that.  That takes serious commitment! Now I did believe every little life was a miracle and could understand the parents unending love, but such excitement over eye-contact…it was almost exhausting to think about.

Now here I am writing about these things and thinking they are important enough to post on the internet! How experiences change us! Today I just wanted to share these little milestones and offer a sweet picture from last night.  When Jeff came home Elsa was still napping so he hadn’t had time with her. The second she awoke he was in the room to greet her (did I mention he still bounds through the door after work as if it were Christmas morning in our living room J ).  After some time of him not coming out of the room I walked in to see what was going on. I found this…Daddy’s first smiles with his little girl.  

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