the ponderings of a mother

These are the ponderings of a mother in love with her children, both in my arms and in the grave. Some of these ponderings are quite emotional, some are funny, others contemplative and spiritual. All are sincere. May these writings bless you in many ways and bring you closer to the one, true God and Redeemer of all things.

Friday, June 15, 2012


Yes, I am supposed to be in the shower and packing up! Jeff literally just told me to get going as I typed that sentence J But! I wanted to post a link to the blog series my friend recommended on women in the home, church, and society. This is a rather important issue across cultures and times. I encourage you to read through this list and let it sharpen your mind whether you agree or disagree.  Feel free to leave a comment here on my blog, I would love to know what you think! For real, leave a comment. There are over 500 hundred hits a month on this blog but rarely a comment…I would love to hear from you J

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